Archived News

Google SearchWiki

Was surprised to see that there suddenly were two buttons alongside my Google results – “Promote” and “Remove”. Did some research about it, and this is what I found: Google SearchWiki on Blogspot. Sounds interesting, does it not?

Archived News

What is Protectionism?

There has been a lot of buzz lately about the soon-to-become President of the USA, Barack Obama, and his views on “protectionism”. Protectionism has been by the republicans labeled as ‘dangerous’, and most people believe this has a negative effect on developing countries. I decided to do some research on the subject and this is […]

Archived News

Windows 7 – why redesign Paint?

Welcome to another one of my rants. This time it’s about Windows 7 and it’s about the redesign of applications like Paint and Wordpad. Have a look at these two pictures: and Isn’t that just the most annoying thing you’ve ever seen? Microsoft has decided to use the same horrible interface and GUI […]

Archived News

The Tunguska Event

Recently I did some further research on this fairly creepy subject, the so-called Tunguska Event, finding a lot of information, pictures and accounts on what happened on that June morning of 1908. To summarize somewhat, an explosion occurred in the skies over Siberia. It was caused by the impact and breakup of a large meteorite, […]

Archived News

New Domain Name!

All this happened very quickly – this morning I decided to buy myself a new domain name – I’m just going to keep this short – the feeling of having an own domain name is nothing short of wonderful. I am already loving it. My pagerank will take some time to update – but […]

Archived News

A Side Project: Zippo Lighters Forum

Just want to quickly shout out a little something to my current side-project, a so called Zippo-lighters forum. You can, based on the name, guess what it’s about (if you can’t guess, it’s all about lighters, more specifically Zippo ones), but there is so much more to it than just that. It includes a trade […]

Archived News

Google Maps and Streetview

Google Maps. Streetview. One very well-known name. One slightly less known name. Two names with a great potential and with jaw-dropping features! Google Maps has been around for a long time now. It’s just like Google Earth only it has slightly less features and is browser-based. It’s the good old zoom-in-on-any-place concept which so many […]