Archived News

New Domain Name!

All this happened very quickly – this morning I decided to buy myself a new domain name – I’m just going to keep this short – the feeling of having an own domain name is nothing short of wonderful. I am already loving it. My pagerank will take some time to update – but […]

Archived Personal

History: Post-Bosnian Crisis Times in Europe and the Balkan Wars (1908-1913)

…the Austrians went ahead and proclaimed their annexation of Bosnia. […] Meanwhile it seemed unlikely that London or Paris would accept a conference to facilitate Russia’s access to the Mediterranean… 1908 Russia and Serbia were forced to accept the annexation of Bosnia as Kaiser Wilhelm II sent the Tsar Nicholas II: “If you get involved […]

Archived Gaming

Playing Counter-Strike 1.6 without Steam (free non-Steam)

What?! Is that possible? Yes, it is, I found out the other day. I’ll try to put together some kind of short guide, and see if I can get the facts straight. First of all, visit the FragBase homepage and download the Non Steam CS 1.6 GAME and the Non Steam CS 1.6 PATCH. After […]

Archived Personal

History: The Bosnian Crisis in 1908

In 1908 the status of Bosnia was somewhat uncertain, administered by Austria-Hungary but formally still part of the Ottoman Empire. Inhabited by slavs, Bosnia was part of the slav nationalist dream of a South Slav Kingdom (Yugoslavia). The so-called Pan-Slav movement wanted all slav people to unite, and the most aggressive proponent of this movement […]

Archived Technology

Gmail Findings: Download Mail from External Account

So you have several different mail accounts? Having trouble reading them all at the same time? Like the GMail user interface and would prefer to have all your emails routed through it? Look no further for Gmail can do all this for you! To add other email accounts to your Gmail account (i.e. pairing them […]

Archived Technology

Gmail Findings: Filter by Labels

This really sounds as if it’s something obvious, something one really can not miss. But it’s not, it took me a good five minutes or so to find how to filter the mail in Gmail by labels. Labels, for those of you who do not know, is like putting mail into different folders or categories […]

Archived News

A Side Project: Zippo Lighters Forum

Just want to quickly shout out a little something to my current side-project, a so called Zippo-lighters forum. You can, based on the name, guess what it’s about (if you can’t guess, it’s all about lighters, more specifically Zippo ones), but there is so much more to it than just that. It includes a trade […]

Archived Personal

Social Studies: Main Political Ideologies

What is a Political Ideology? An ideology is a system of opinions and values about society and the way it should be organized and governed. These ideas are shared by a group of people “belonging” to the ideology. Liberalism Liberalism appeared in the late 18th century, paving the way to an industrial society during the […]

Archived Technology

Trying out Leopard!

The past week or two has been spent on learning and getting used to Mac OS X 10.5.4, also known as Leopard. This is the major upgrade from Tiger, introducing a big load of new features, improvements and updates. Our family had an old PowerBook G4 lying around, and I thought it would be great […]

Archived Technology

Test post from Windows Live Writer

Just testing whether I am able to post from Windows Live Writer. If this is showing and I therefore am able to post it might increase my productivity a lot. Conclusion After testing this out I came to the conclusion that setting categories is tough and that adding custom keywords might be difficult. I will […]