Archived Personal

New Design and Backend

As of this weekend, this blog now sports a brand new design as well as the WordPress software! After a week of careful planning and researching themes and plug-ins, I decided to make the switch from my good old ExpressionEngine suite to the popular WordPress blogging platform.

As I’ve already used WordPress for another blog of mine, Thy Old XBOX, I am very familiar with the workings of WordPress. Although ExpressionEngine has suited me very well for the five years or so I have used it, WordPress is still a much better platform for blogging. For anything not blogging-related, I firmly believe ExpressionEngine is the better choice. I’ve written another post on this earlier when I compared the two suites.

The process of converting from ExpressionEngine to WordPress was one which I might detail sometime in the future, one which was not as straight-forward as I had hoped.

For you users, there now comes a month or two of adapting to the new theme (which, by the way, is not my own work, sadly) and to have patience while I fix up the “About me” and “Contact” pages, as well as other things I have planned for the near future. Bear with me, for I believe this change is for the better!

One reply on “New Design and Backend”

sorry man, but it looked so much better before… it is okay but one could, potentially, mix your site up with some old lady’s, writing about her bird or something. even though she is skilled, she is not interesting… =P :*

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