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Social Studies: Demography and Colonialism (and Imperialism)

Demography Demography is the study of population changes. I will describe two general views, the Neo-Malthusian and the Modernization view, on the matter, starting with the former. Thomas Malthus, a late demographer and economist, believed that food production would increase over time but not as fast as population growth. In his studies, he assumed that […]

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Best way of Cleaning a G15 Keyboard

I recently tried this technique. It was easy, painless and rather fun, actually! Enjoy, and thanks to the original poster, “wo0t”! How to clean your G15 keyboard easily and safely!

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The Causes of the WWI

The Balance of Power in Europe was disrupted by Germany, and by Turkey in the Balkans. The alliances played a roll in making the Balkans the powder keg it became, but they weren’t binding. No state went to war without a self-interest, without something to gain on it themselves. Was Germany guilty? The growth of […]

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History: Summer of 1914 (Outbreak of WWI) and the Schlieffen Plan

Outbreak of WWI An Austrian envoy, Count Hoyos, brings a letter from Franz Joseph to Kaiser Wilhelm. The letter says that Austria-Hungary will crush Serbia militarily on the condition that she would receive German support. Wilhelm virtually gives Austria a blank cheque, in essence support for whatever actions they wish to take. Berlin thought that […]

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HD Videos from Klagshamn (and Blekinge)

Recorded a few HD-clips with my Kodak Z812IS today. The videos were recorded around Klagshamn, a port near my home-town. Enjoy! Klagshamn Hamn #1 from Douglas S on Vimeo. Klagshamn Hamn #2 from Douglas S on Vimeo. Klagshamn Hamn #3 from Douglas S on Vimeo. Did some more recording during the weekend, this time in […]

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History: Post-Bosnian Crisis Times in Europe and the Balkan Wars (1908-1913)

…the Austrians went ahead and proclaimed their annexation of Bosnia. […] Meanwhile it seemed unlikely that London or Paris would accept a conference to facilitate Russia’s access to the Mediterranean… 1908 Russia and Serbia were forced to accept the annexation of Bosnia as Kaiser Wilhelm II sent the Tsar Nicholas II: “If you get involved […]

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History: The Bosnian Crisis in 1908

In 1908 the status of Bosnia was somewhat uncertain, administered by Austria-Hungary but formally still part of the Ottoman Empire. Inhabited by slavs, Bosnia was part of the slav nationalist dream of a South Slav Kingdom (Yugoslavia). The so-called Pan-Slav movement wanted all slav people to unite, and the most aggressive proponent of this movement […]

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Social Studies: Main Political Ideologies

What is a Political Ideology? An ideology is a system of opinions and values about society and the way it should be organized and governed. These ideas are shared by a group of people “belonging” to the ideology. Liberalism Liberalism appeared in the late 18th century, paving the way to an industrial society during the […]

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Social Studies: Basic Political Concepts

I want to take a brief moment to explain some basic political concepts I’ve learnt during the past few days. A Nation A nation is a human group sharing common characteristics of culture, language, historical experiences etc. There are about 200 states whilst there are about 2000 nations. A Centralized State This name is used […]

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Social Studies: What makes a State?

What makes a state? How do you define a country? I will try to define, simplify and explain the main definitions below. What do you need to call yourself a country? A territory with clearly defined borders. A population, preferably with a strong sense of cohesion. I.e a population who believe they actually are part […]