Archived Personal

Social Studies: Basic Political Concepts

I want to take a brief moment to explain some basic political concepts I’ve learnt during the past few days. A Nation A nation is a human group sharing common characteristics of culture, language, historical experiences etc. There are about 200 states whilst there are about 2000 nations. A Centralized State This name is used […]

Archived Personal

Social Studies: What makes a State?

What makes a state? How do you define a country? I will try to define, simplify and explain the main definitions below. What do you need to call yourself a country? A territory with clearly defined borders. A population, preferably with a strong sense of cohesion. I.e a population who believe they actually are part […]

Archived Personal

History: Origins of WWI

The incident that “started” the first World War, as you may know, was the assassination of the Austrian crown prince, Franz Ferdinand. But the real causes were many. Below I have stated some. Some great powers grew weak, whilst some grew strong. This put the “Balance of Power” out of balance, essentially disrupting the European […]

Archived Personal

History: Balance of Power

In Vienna year 1815 the leaders of Europe met and organized a system to avoid wars and keep power between each other. Whenever a nation needed help to suffocate a revolution or an other form of disturbing movement, they received assistance from nearby countries. Whenever two kings were arguing they decided to have a conference […]

Archived Coding

Serious Work on the Gallery has begun

I shall from now on spend more time on designing, and updating the gallery than I have before. You will soon see a much smoother interface and a big load of new photos. I shall also hoover the Interwebs for design inspiration for the gallery as well as the blog itself. You might happen to […]

Archived Gaming

Battlefield 2 Movie Released!

Released my Battlefield 2 jet movie the other day. It can be viewed at Vimeo. Here are some previews of what you’re about to see. The movie was recorded with WeGame, intro:ed in After Effects and edited + rendered in Sony Vegas.

Archived Technology

Rendering a Movie

Rendering has got to be the most annoying part of the video-creating process. I have a few tips I’d like to share with you, however. First of all, whatever codec you use, make sure the input ratio in the codec settings is set to match the clips you’re editing. If you don’t, the ratio will […]

Archived Personal


I have, during the past few minutes, been installing and fine-tuning a reCAPTCHA engine on this blog. When I first saw these new captchas, a year ago or so, I had no idea what the point of them was. But, as time went by, my interest of this thing grew, and today I started reading […]

Archived Personal

Waterskiing. I love it.

During my two weeks stay at my summerhouse in the southern archipelago of Sweden I have been doing many fun things. I’ve been working some on my motocross bike, an old Yamaha DT-50 65cc with loads of customized parts. It accelerates at an AMAZING speed and sounds wonderful. When the weather is windy enough I […]

Archived Coding

Working on a PHP Poll

The past few days I’ve begun working on a homebrew poll application written in PHP. It utilizes the latest PHP features such as custom classes, objects and functions, working hand-in-hand with AJAX scripts giving it the best performance and functionality available. I’ve only yet started on it, and I have still a dozen or so […]